Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sights in Chennai

I reckoned that it was time I updated this page having bragged about lights twinkling and what not.

My brother's fiance, on her visit to Chennai asked me if there were any sights to be seen in Chennai. I couldn't really think of any "sights" as such, that might be worth showing her, besides the beaches.
However, I did manage to show her this little sight that I managed to capture on my phone.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the swan crossing of Mandaveli.

Forgive the haphazard manner in which the photograph was taken, I was moving on the bike, which, by the way, I was driving while taking this photograph on the 1.3Megapixel camera present on my phone.

Disclaimer: No swans were killed during the making of this post.